Merlion Naturals Organic Raw Honey, Wild Forest/ Multiflora Honey, 300 g - Product Features
- Honey is prebiotic
- Promotes digestive health
- Raw Honey contains all 22 amino acids
- Supports immune health
- Quick and vital source of Energy
- Certified Organic
- Sustainably Sourced
- Halal Certified
- Honey is a prebiotic, good for gut health
- Good for Immune health, supports overall health
- Quick and vital source of Energy
- Provides vitamins, protein, phytonutirents & more
- Rich in antioxidant compounds
- Includes some essential minerals naturally like calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium & zinc
- Raw Honey has all 22 amino acids
- Contains little or no pollen and May contain antibiotics
- Main ingredient - High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS), which leads to plaque buildup and narrowing of blood vessels.
- loss majority of nutrients and vitamins during processing.
- All vitamins, nutrients, and enzymes intact
- Contains powerful antioxidants and Promotes digestive health
- Helps stabilise blood pressure and blood sugar levels
- boosts immune function and Helps with skin conditions