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Health Drinks By Horlicks Protein+

by Horlicks Protein+
Price: Price468 Mrp Price520
You Save: 52.00 (10%)
by Horlicks Protein+
Price: Price468 Mrp Price520
You Save: 52.00 (10%)
by Horlicks Protein+
Price: Price265 Mrp Price295
You Save: 30.00 (10%)
Horlicks Protein+ Health and Nutrition Drink Pet Jar - 400 g (Chocolate) - Product Features
  • Contains a blend of three high quality proteins - whey, soy, casein
  • Triple protein blend providing fast and sustained release of amino acids over time
  • Horlicks protein+ contains 3 times more protein than the leading hfd
  • Horlicks Protein+ with 3 high quality proteins, is scientifically formulated daily nutrition drink for adults which helps to support muscle mass and maintain strength over time, as a part of healthy lifestyle
  • Not all proteins are the same. Some Proteins get to work in the body very quickly, while others are released slowly over the course of many hours. Choosing a blend ensures you get the best of both worlds
  • The 3 Proteins in Horlicks Protein+ contain all the essential Amino Acids needed to build and maintain muscle mass, important for strength
Horlicks Protein+ Health and Nutrition Drink Pet Jar - 400 g (Vanilla) - Product Features
  • Contains a blend of three high quality proteins - whey, soy, casein
  • Triple protein blend providing fast and sustained release of amino acids over time
  • Horlicks protein+ contains 3 times more protein than the leading hfd
  • Horlicks Protein+ with 3 high quality proteins, is scientifically formulated daily nutrition drink for adults which helps to support muscle mass and maintain strength over time, as a part of healthy lifestyle
  • Not all proteins are the same. Some Proteins get to work in the body very quickly, while others are released slowly over the course of many hours. Choosing a blend ensures you get the best of both worlds
  • The 3 Proteins in Horlicks Protein+ contain all the essential Amino Acids needed to build and maintain muscle mass, important for strength
Horlicks Protein+ Health and Nutrition Drink Refill Pack - 200 g (Vanilla) - Product Features
  • Contains a blend of three high quality proteins - whey, soy, casein
  • Triple protein blend providing fast and sustained release of amino acids over time
  • Horlicks protein+ contains 3 times more protein than the leading HFD
  • Horlicks Protein+ with 3 high quality proteins, is scientifically formulated daily nutrition drink for adults which helps to support muscle mass and maintain strength over time, as a part of healthy lifestyle
  • Not all proteins are the same. Some Proteins get to work in the body very quickly, while others are released slowly over the course of many hours. Choosing a blend ensures you get the best of both worlds
  • The 3 Proteins in Horlicks Protein+ contain all the essential Amino Acids needed to build and maintain muscle mass, important for strength

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