Noodles and Pasta By Birsppy

by Birsppy
Price: Price190 Mrp Price199
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Fresh's Freshos Couscous Semolina, 500 g - Product Features
  • It comes in a vaccum Pack which ensures that the nutritional values of the product remain intact guaranteeing perfect storage and integrity for long periods.
  • What is couscous Despite popular belief, couscous is a pasta, not a grain. It has a rice-like appearance but is actually made of semolina and wheat flour that is steamed.
  • Semolina Couscous is small pasta made of semolina, a form of wheat.
  • It can be eaten as a side dish, salad or dessert, and you can use it in place of rice or quinoa.It is also used in soups and salads.
  • It can be prepared by pouring boiling water over it and allowing the water and steam to hydrate it.

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